Meghan Markle and Harry tactile: the elegant and accomplice couple caused a sensation in New York

For their last appearance during the traditional Independence Day parade on July 4, Meghan Markle and her husband Prince Harry were with their little one. Archie, 3 years. This July 18, 2022, it was a completely different event that made the Sussex couple move to New York. Meghan Markle and Harry decided to go to the UN, during the celebration of “Nelson Mandela International Day”. And it is a very elegant duchess who was photographed on her arrival, wearing a Givenchy suit skirt, perched on a pair of Manolo Blahniks, with a Mulberry bag. The Sussex couple, very complicit, caused a sensation.

The Duke of Sussex was careful to let his wife ride before him, placing his hand behind her with great tenderness. Then, within the UN headquarters, they multiplied tender gestures, again, constantly holding hands. Until the speech of the son of Charles and Diana. He mentioned “of Mandela’s memories and legacy, of what has been learned from his struggles and his life that could help us face new challenges today“. At the podium, the husband of the American actress denounced “an attack on democracy and freedom“, quoting”the horrific war in Ukraine and the rollback on constitutional rights in the United States“, paying tribute to Nelson Mandela.

Meghan Markle proud of the father of her children

Meghan Markle seemed very proud of the father of her two children, Archie and Lilibet, 1 year old. When the latter recounted the memories of the former South African president, she did not take her eyes off him. Prince Harry notably shared of his memories of the man and his mother the princess of hearts. “On my wall and in my heart is a picture of my mother and Mandela meeting in Cape Town in 1987he confided to the assembly. It was given to me by the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu, whose friendship and inspiration was a gift in itself. […] When I saw the photo, what jumped out at me was the joy on my mother’s face. The spirit, even playfulness, the pure joy of being in communion with another soul devoted to the service of humanity.”

In October 2019, the Sussex couple had the chance to meet Nelson Mandela’s widow, Graca, in South Africa. Meghan Markle has always been very involved with the United Nations, and also delivered a speech there in 2015. Always committed and increasingly wishing to gain power on the international scene, the 40-year-old duchess was also seen on same day alongside feminist icon Gloria Steinem in New York. She had recently confided in her about her that she could team up with her to rally support for the Equal Rights Amendment. Meghan Markle continues on her way and is not about to let go of her fights.

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