Meghan Markle and Harry in trouble away from the royal family? Shocking revelations…

Meghan Markle and Harry in trouble? Their decision to leave the royal family, officially taken in February 2021, may well have complicated the life of the Sussexes. A miscalculation of the former star of the series Suits ? This is Tina Brown, former editor of Vanity Fair, which balances on the wife of prince Harry. If it assures Washington Post Liveas part of the promotion of his book The Palace Papersthat the youngest son of Charles and Diana would have made the decision to leave Buckingham anyway, Meghan Markle would have seen the possibility of “conclude contracts“, as a member of the British royal family. As reported by the DailyMailTina Brown clarifies that she “couldn’t resist what was on offer at the celebrity buffet“.

But today, the parents of Archie and Lilibet Diana are struggling, far from the royal family, as she believes. According to her, Meghan Markle is struggling to make their couple “a brand”. The Sussexes didn’t realize how difficult life would be when they were cut off from the palace. “They both completely underestimated what it would be like to be without Palace support.she said. Buckingham has incredible power, every major invite in the world goes through this conduit. All of that is now gone.“The Duchess of Sussex would have a hard time positioning herself, contenting herself, according to the journalist, with surfing on trending subjects on Twitter: vaccinations, war in Ukraine, women’s rights…

Their not-so-idyllic Netflix deal

And the whole thing about an entertainment deal is you have to produceshe says about their lucrative deal with Netflix. They signed with Netflix but what did we see? Nothing.“According to her, they haven’t realized how difficult it is to produce entertainment that works.”Their Spotify podcast is going nowhereshe insists. Netflix is ​​not doing so well, will they renew this contract? Former columnist of Princess Diana, Tina Brown does not mince words. At a time when the Sussexes seem to be on the right track to reconcile with Queen Elizabeth II, Meghan Markle would therefore have had only one goal: “collect“, balances Tina Brown. But obviously, the couple could very quickly (financially) regret it …

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