Meghan Markle and Harry: Fast food, giant cookie… Behind the scenes of their life as Hollywood “suburbanites” revealed

Everyone knows it, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have decided to settle in the United States in particular to free themselves from the traditions adopted by the British royal family. And this also applies in an area that we do not immediately think of: food. In effect, the couple quickly became familiar with the country’s eating habits, especially fast food. To the point that the family has its habits there. “There is an In-N-Out (a very famous fast-food chain in the United States, editor’s note) halfway between the Los Angeles freeway and our neighborhood”said the Duchess of Sussex in an interview with Variety magazine.

“It’s a lot of fun to go to the drive-in and surprise them. They know our order by heart,” she added, specifying beforehand that, contrary to popular belief, they do not live in Los Angeles itself but in good “two hours from the city“. We are commuters. Recently, we drove to Los Angeles for a day of dating successions, equipped witha cookie the size of my son’s head. My husband’s favorites are from In-N-Out“, she detailed, enough to reveal a new eating habit of the family.

A liability with fast food

As a reminder, when the couple announced their departure from the royal family in 2020, the fast food chain Burger King ironically offered them a new paper crown and to take their first steps into the world of work with them. After so many years of living like dukes, “it’s time to start eating like kings“, had joked the company.

Note that the city in which the couple now resides is called Montecito and is home to other stars such as Oprah Winfrey, Natalie Portman and Bob Rowe. Meghan Markle was notably seen in the streets of this city on October 21, her first appearance after being accused of being a liar after her revelations about her past as a hostess. She was enjoying an afternoon under the California sun and going shopping.

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