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In Hendaye, the luckiest were able to exchange, Saturday, October 8, with the brand new Nobel Prize in Physics, Alain Aspect, who wanted to take part in the Fête de la science.
He had agreed, several months ago, to sponsor the event. So, Nobel or not, Alain Aspect honors his commitment. After four days of media marathon, the physicist lends himself to the game and takes part, among the children, in the workshops of this village of science, in Hendaye (Pyrénées-Atlantiques). “I don’t think we will get out of the current problems of society if we don’t have young men and young women who are committed to science, and therefore if I can help attract some of them to science, I think it will be good”says the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics.
The most prestigious of scientific prizes, awarded to Alain Aspect on Tuesday 4 October, was a happy coincidence for the organizers of the event. Rarely has quantum mechanics, the physicist’s specialty, moved such a crowd. The power of the Nobel. It was the passion of his high school physics teacher that steered Alain Aspect towards a scientific career.