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Spotlight, Tuesday, March 8, on two women who exercise professions considered, still by many, to be masculine. One is a pilot, and the other a mechanic.
The percentage of female pilots in the world is 5.8%. At Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport, Audrey Escoubet was at the controls of an A318 that morning. Barely arrived from Florence (Italy), she is already preparing to leave. She inspects the plane: headlights, wheels, and screws. After a business school, she joined an aviation school. After 12,000 flight hours, it still has to win against some passengers. Like her, 330 women are Air France pilots, compared to 3,300 men.
In the workshops away from the slopes, they are even less numerous. Gaëlle Debarre, 34, is an aerostructure mechanic. She already has 10 years of experience in aeronautics. Today she is repairing a reactor. “I just think I’m lucky to be working on all these plane elements, and I don’t care about being the only woman”, she says. The workshops have five women, compared to only one five years ago.