Meet your favorite authors and booksellers with Autumn in bookstores

France Bleu Provence is a partner of the 7th edition of Autumn in bookstores from October 12 to 15, 2022 organized by the association of Booksellers of the South.

Events for all readers!

Autumn in Librairies offers for its 7th edition, no less than 27 events in 25 bookstores in the region from October 12 to 15. The meetings will revolve around literature, comics, children’s literature and even cinema and exhibitions. There is something for all tastes and all ages!

During the various events, you will find meetings with authors and authorsof the workshops and dedications.

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Where and when can you enjoy Autumn in bookstores?

For more details on the various events planned by the literary program, click here.

25 bookstores are partners across the PACA region. Wherever you are, you can celebrate Autumn in a bookstore near you.

7th edition of AUTUMN IN BOOKSTORES from October 12 to 15, 2022 10 authors, 27 events spread over 25 bookstores in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region

source site-36