Video length: 4 mins.
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Social networks are by no means exclusive to the younger generation. 58% of seniors are connected in this way. Some are real assets, influencers, who have managed to conquer a large community, especially on TikTok.
These seniors are swinging and waltzing prejudices about old age. In the garden of Claude Boulay, 90, a funny scenario is brewing which will end up on social networks. With his grandson and his wife, the pensioner rehearses a sketch which will then be published on TikTok for April 1. “I was like, ‘What the hell is facebook, TikTok, Messenger and Instagram?’ I searched, I looked and then on my smartphone, there is everything you need”he explains.
“It’s my medicine”
For two years, all three have multiplied the publications with many sketches and more romantic moments. Success to the key, they accumulate more than 1.4 million subscribers. “I was happy to star. (…) It’s my medicine”, confides Josette Boulay, 87 years old. Near Poitiers (Vienne), Andrée, 84, alias Granny TikTok, has also seduced social networks. His roommate with his grandson Mathieu immediately packed tens of thousands of subscribers. “His phone almost exploded there were so many connections in the night. It was boiling hot, he put it in the fridge to cool”, launches Andrée Dubois. Two million people share the daily life of the duo.