Meet the most insensitive star sign of the zodiac… They never cry!

If Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio are naturally sensitive Water signs, some natives do not share this character trait at all… And in particular Aquarius! Renowned for being very independent and solitary, this astrological sign tends to be extremely unmoved by simple modesty…

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)

Of all the zodiac signs, Aquarius is probably the most mysterious! Indeed, this native tends to stay in his bubble and mix very little. Impassive, this astrological sign, which may seem cold at first sight, also tends to keep its emotions to itself and not share them.

Secret, this astrological sign is not the type to pour out his feelings either… Instead, Aquarius greatly prefers to be alone to let his guard down, which is why he can seem insensitive.

Finally, Aquarius may be sociable and have many friends, but this astrological sign is not the type to ask them for advice or to cry on one shoulder when things are not going well! Indeed, when he has a little slack, this astrological sign greatly prefers to manage this little crisis on his own by isolating himself!


See also: This astrological sign is by far the most faithful of the zodiac!

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