meet Kelly, dubbing actress

Throughout the summer, franceinfo makes you discover surprising or unknown professions through the column “Is it really your job?” Monday, July 10: the profession of voice actress, with Kelly Marot and a voice you may recognize.


Reading time : 1 min.

Kelly Marot, actress, dubbing session (BENJAMIN ILLY / RADIOFRANCE)

The Lylo studios, in the heart of Paris, is where we find Kelly Marot, in the middle of a dubbing session for a cartoon intended for 6-10 year olds. “Wait, does that mean we used the same toothbrush? Yuck!”

By playing on her intonations, she sometimes offers a variant of the text, when it can be funnier. The text scrolls, you have to keep the rhythm. “And then, above all, you have to be an actor to have good intentions”emphasizes Kelly, who gives us a break.

“May destiny favor you”

At 36, she specialized in dubbing cartoons, but also films and series: “I am notably the voice of ‘May fate be favorable to you’. Do you recognize it?” This is Jennifer Lawrence, in The Hunger Games. Or even : “I’m sure cutting heads is very satisfying”Sansa Stark in Games of Thrones. “And also Mimi Whining, in Harry Potter”, she slips.

But Kelly doesn’t stop there: there’s the growing field of video game animations. “Now there’s more content, it’s really more like a movie.” She thus put her voice on death stranding, Or The Last of Us 2, two of the biggest games released lately.

“I started at five years old by filming with Coline Serreau in Crisis and then I came to dubbing at six and singing.” For Kelly Marot, intermittent actress, dubbing is a real choice, she can do roles “that we would never do in the image” and give free rein to an infinite range of games: “Because when we arrive at 9:30 a.m., we don’t know what we’re going to have to play. So you have to be able to play everything!”

This job for Kelly? Quite simply “The best job in the world !”

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