meet a surgeon who goes to the bedside of refugee children



Video length: 4 mins.

France 2

Article written by

M.Bénéteau, F.Lasserre, I.Shaheen – France 2

France Televisions

The portrait of this Friday, June 23 is dedicated to Alice Fassier, surgeon. The doctor headed to Jordan to operate on refugee children from Syria.

Doctor Alice Fassier devotes her life to children. She is an orthopedic surgeon. It treats malformations, particularly related to rare diseases. When the France Télévisions teams meet her, she is about to leave her French patients to go on a humanitarian mission to Jordan. “My motto is to serve“, she says. Jordan is a neighbor of Syria where the civil war has been going on for twelve years now. Nearly seven million Syrians have had to leave their country. Among them, more than a million are taking refuge in Jordan .

80 consultations in one day

In Zaatari (Jordan) is one of the largest refugee camps in the world. It has more than 80,000 inhabitants. Three-quarters are minors and they only have access to the most basic care. Akram, one of them, will perhaps have the chance to have an operation thanks to the association La Chaîne de l’Espoir. But he and his father have no certainty, the list of patients is long. At the hospital in Amman, Akram will meet Alice Fassier, the French surgeon. She has to examine 80 small patients in a single day. She will only be able to operate about twenty of them.

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