“Meekness gives strength to fight against adversity”



Video duration:
2 min

Music: “gentleness is what gives the strength to fight against adversity”, confides Yves Duteil

Music: “gentleness is what gives the strength to fight against adversity”, confides Yves Duteil – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – V. Gaget, JM. Lequertier, E. Piquereai, G. Liaboeuf

France Televisions

At 74 years old, Yves Duteil celebrated his jubilee this year: 50 years of career, on the stage of the Folies Bergère. These 50 years are also brought together in a box set. Encounter.

Yves Duteil will celebrate his 75th birthday in January. It hosts France Télévisions near Paris, in a warm house. In a half-century career, he has written more than 200 songs, including around forty dedicated to his wife Noëlle, “the inspiration of everything”, he said. It further reveals that “some songs [lui] asked for five or six years” writing. On the other hand, the most famous, Take a child, especially took a long time to be put “in order”.

A “militant” of gentleness

Sometimes mocked for his good feelings, how did he experience it? “At the time, I wouldn’t say that I was completely indifferent. At the same time, I believe that it takes time. Basically, I became in spite of myself an activist for something that is easy to mock : sweetness. And this sweetness is what gives the strength to fight against adversity. It’s not marshmallow”confides Yves Duteil.

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