Mediterranean: a strong proliferation of jellyfish caused by global warming


Article written by

M. Jit, L. Pechkechian, M. Gence – France 3

France Televisions

While COP 27 is currently taking place, in the Mediterranean Sea the effects of global warming are observable as many jellyfish proliferate.

For several years, the beaches of the Mediterranean have been plagued by a massive wave of jellyfish proliferation. This increased presence of the animal despair sailor local residents who are sometimes forced to swim in wetsuits to avoid being bitten.It is the waves that push them back to the sand. I’m 90, I’ve never seen this in November“, describes Pierre, a resident of La Ciotat (Bouches-du-Rhone).

The high temperatures as well as the various episodes of heat waves that have raged in France since the spring are obvious causes of the presence of these marine animals. The water that has been warming for years encourages jellyfish to breed, which was creating the bloom.These are conditions which are rather favorable to the maintenance of a good number of species in the Mediterranean and which can also benefit these species.“, indicates Delphine Thibault, teacher and researcher in Aix-Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône). The Mistral as well as the east wind are factors that push jellyfish to wash up on the Mediterranean coasts.

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