Medicines, taser … Matthieu Delormeau talks about his daily life since the threats

Members of Cyril Hanouna’s team shared their testimonies concerning the threats and insults they were victims of. All agree that their behavior has changed after receiving hate messages on the Web. In Do not touch My TV on November 24, the matter was launched in the presence of journalist Christine Kelly, who recently filed a harassment and death threat complaint. Matthieu Delormeau, who took a break in 2020 before returning to the show, spoke at length about his discomfort and what has changed in his daily life.

“I’ve often been scared since I started doing this show. I remember that my car was broken twice in a parking lot. I got out of a taxi, chase down the street. I don’t know who I am. beat, I was not educated like that … So sometimes I prefer to be silent “, said the 50-year-old, who was attacked a few months ago, upon leaving the talk show. The columnist also revealed that he was taking sleep medication and thathe was often armed with a taser to deal with possible attacks.

“When you jump when asked for the time, when you look behind you in the street, when you are afraid when you enter a parking lot and when at night, on your bedside table, there is a little thing to sleep and de-stress, you say to yourself: ‘this is not the life I wanted, I did not sign for that’ “, he confessed to his colleagues.

Matthieu Delormeau is far from being the only one in this case. Indeed, Gilles Verdez and Géraldine Maillet explained that they feared for their relatives and that they censured themselves a little more since they received hate messages. “I was scared when my daughter was identified. I was in a panic, I immediately spoke to your security service and they followed me for 8, 10 days and sent people out of my daughter’s school to see if there was any problem “, entrusted Géraldine Maillet to Cyril Hanouna.

“As soon as I get home, I walk around the block to see if I am being followed”, confessed Gilles Verdez. “I try to measure my words”, for her part, confided Valérie Benaim, who suffered anti-Semitic insults and death threats after the Freeze Corleone affair.

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