medical students encouraged to come to medical deserts



France 2

Article written by

C.Méral, MC.Delouvrie, F.Esnaud, F.Guinle, J.Blondel, S.GravelaineFrance 3 Clermont-Ferrand – France 2

France Televisions

As part of the bill on Social Security, medical students should be encouraged to come and settle in medical deserts in order to relieve certain lonely professionals.

For medical students, it will now take ten years to be a general practitioner, instead of nine years previously. They will have to do an additional year of training in boarding school. The government would like these future doctors to do this last year in medical deserts. A godsend for some professionals, seeing it as a way “to be seconded“, but also for the inhabitants, some of whom hope that “Perhaps it will give them a taste of the countryside and the provinces.”

To push future graduates towards these often rural areas, the government promises financial aid. However, the Minister of Health, François Braun, affirms that it will remain an incentive and not an obligation, something demanded by the union of medical students. The measure will be presented to the Council of Ministers as part of the social security bill. It should be voted on in Parliament.

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