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In the field of health, salary increases are planned by the government, in particular for nurses in advanced practice. Their role could become central in medical deserts. Report in Lozère.
In the nursing home of Langogne (Lozere)in the middle of a medical desert, is a new type of nurse. In the department, he is the only one to handle the stethoscope, without being a doctor for all that. Alexis Blanc is male nurse in practice advanced. “I’m here to spot the warning signs on pathologies that I control. If I spot abnormal things, it’s my role to refer the patient to the doctor”he explains. Thus, he follows chronic patients, entrusted by doctors.
After the examination, the nurse renews the prescription made by the general practitioner. Installed for a year, Alexis Blanc has seen more than 850 patients. He must sometimes reassure certain patients. The first meeting lasts one hour. The nurse is in constant contact with the practice’s general practitioners. These are only three after the departure of one of their colleagues. Alexis Blanc also makes home visits. Only a few dozen advanced practice nurses practice as a liberal like Alexis, remuneration is a brake. It will be upgraded next year by health insurance, and increased installation assistance.