Medical assistance in dying: Dubé withdraws controversial article on people with disabilities

Twenty-four hours after the filing of his bill on the expansion of medical assistance in dying, the Minister of Health announced the withdrawal of the plan concerning people with disabilities which had caused the surprise the day before.

• Read also: Medical assistance in dying: unease around the inclusion of people with disabilities

• Read also: Less than 3 weeks to study and adopt the bill

The opposition parties had denounced in chorus the addition of this provision, pointing out that the subject had not been addressed during the previous work of a cross-party commission.

It had only studied the idea of ​​allowing advance requests for medical assistance in dying for people who have become incapacitated, as in the case of Alzheimer’s disease. A certain consensus has been reached on this subject.

“I heard the objections yesterday. My goal is to have a bill that brings everyone together, because of the importance of this bill, ”commented Minister Christian Dubé on Thursday morning.

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