According to the information site, the new Minister of Health received “without declaring them” numerous gifts from Urgo laboratories, in the exercise of her profession. The prosecutor confirms that an investigation has been opened against several pharmacists.
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The new Minister of Health, risen in rank after the resignation of Aurélien Rousseau for disagreement on the immigration law, “is targeted by a judicial investigation opened in June 2023”, writes Mediapart, Thursday December 21. According to the information site, Agnès Firmin Le Bodo is accused of having received “without declaring them” gifts worth an estimated 20,000 euros from Urgo laboratories, as a pharmacist. Pharmacist by profession, Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, who runs a pharmacy in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime), “is suspected of having had luxury products delivered on 21 occasions, from 2015 to 2020 – watches, bottles of wine and magnums of champagne, boxes for weekends”writes Mediapart.
The Le Havre public prosecutor confirmed to AFP on Thursday evening that an investigation had been opened. According to Bruno Dieudonné, this investigation was opened “on the charge of ‘unauthorized perception by a health professional of advantages provided by a person producing or marketing health products’, as an extension of the case which resulted in the conviction of Urgo laboratories in January 2023 by the court Dijon correctional.
“The secrecy of the investigation prohibits me from communicating further, in particular on the identity of the pharmacists targeted by this investigation. Over a period which goes from the end of 2015 to the end of 2020, six of them received bonuses for an amount total greater than 12,000 euros”, details the prosecutor. Asked by AFP, the minister’s entourage declared that she “will respond only to the competent authorities”.