“Medea”, The spiritual concert, Hervé Niquet

This album will be released on January 12, but it seemed important to us to warn you of such an eminent arrival. During our interview with Benoît Dratwicki, artistic director of the Baroque Music Center of Versailles, the latter took this recording as an example of what he called the “second baroque revolution”. “We sat around a table, we went over each element of the score,” Benoît Dratwicki told us when talking about his work with Hervé Niquet, giving as an example a clearly enriched continuo and the role of Médée. “There are almost no ornaments in the score, whereas the other roles have some. By default, we add the same ornaments to all [dans les autres enregistrements]. » For Dratwicki and Niquet, doing what is written “changes everything: it makes the role of Medea much more dramatic. » Major opera from a composer at the height of his art (50 years old), impeccable cast, with Cyrille Dubois alongside Véronique Gens, captivating colors, renewed reading, major publication.


★★★★ 1/2


Marc-Antoine Charpentier, The spiritual concert, Hervé Niquet, Alpha 3 CD 1020

To watch on video

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