Medalist by the mayor RN Louis Aliot, Serge Klarsfeld is justified

Serge Klarsfeld, co-founder of the association of the Sons and Daughters of Jewish Deportees from France, declared Friday October 21 on France Inter to have accepted the medal of the city of Perpignan because of “evolution” of the course of the National Rally mayor of this commune, Louis Aliot.

This medal presentation of the city by Louis Aliot, on October 13, had sparked controversy and an open letter in Liberation by historians Denis Peschanski and Renée Poznanski, who described this episode as “sad and serious”.

>> Serge Klarsfeld explains on France Inter why he accepted the medal awarded by the RN mayor of Perpignan

Claiming to understand the controversy, the 87-year-old historian and lawyer, a figure in the memory of the Holocaust, said on France Inter hold “account also of the general interestI”. “When I see an evolution in an extreme right, when I see people who rally to our values, who condemn, as Louis Aliot did, the Vel d’Hiv roundup (…), who respect the memory of the Shoah (…), when I see that he opposes the great replacement and the identity line of the hardliners of the RN, well, I can only see it”he said.

“The DNA of any far-right party is anti-Semitism, continues Serge Klarsfeld. However, I see that there is an evolution in some and I push for this peaceful evolution”, he continued. He said he preferred that “the extreme right turns right, evolves towards the Republican camp rather than seeing the right to go over to the extreme right.”

Louis Aliot (who is a candidate for the presidency of the RN) is “conservative, he is certainly reactionary“, added Serge Klarsfeld, assuring that he would continue to “to oppose a movement that will be conservative and reactionary”.

“What I want to say today is simply that he was a political enemy, today he becomes an adversary (…), so there is an evolution”, Mr. Klarsfeld continued. It is not “did not go to Perpignan to see Louis Aliot”but to decorate the representative of his association in Perpignan with the Legion of Honor, he added. “The mayor was there for this ceremony and he offered us (he and his wife Beate Klarsfeld) the Medal of Honor of Perpignan.”

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