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The origin of meat served in restaurants must now be indicated to consumers. This measure already existed but only for beef. Since Tuesday March 1, it has applied to poultry, pork and even mutton.
Since Tuesday, March 1, restaurants must indicate the origin of meat: poultry, pork, mutton, etc. So far, only beef was concerned. A rather well-received novelty in a Marseille brasserie. “Personally, I have more confidence in meat produced here, it’s good to have traceability”testifies a customer.
For his part, Frédéric Jeanjean has updated his menu. “It’s a slight constraint but which can raise awareness, both for professionals and for customers”, explains the manager of the brewery, which will continue to offer meat at affordable prices. The labeling of origin only concerns meat purchased raw. In addition to restaurants, the measure also applies in canteens.