Measures against drought, budget extension for the ecological transition … The “8:30 am franceinfo” of the environmentalist deputy Sandra Regol

The deputy national secretary of EELV and deputy of Bas-Rhin was the guest of “8:30 franceinfo”, Monday August 8.

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Sandra Regol, Deputy National Secretary of EELV and MP for Bas-Rhin, was the guest of 8:30 a.m. france info, Monday, August 8. She answered questions from Jean-François Achilli and Céline Asselot.

Drought: “We must change the way we produce”

The problem is that we are always in an emergency, an emergency response“to fight against global warming, regretted this Monday on franceinfo Sandra Regol. “Emergency measures“to be taken to combat drought in particular, is to”change the way we produce to reduce pressure on the climate“, put forward as a solution Sandra Regol. “It we have to eat less meat and meat that is produced at home”. “We have to change our model of electricity production, insulate buildings“. Otherwise, “we must offer free means of transport so as not to be dependent on the car“, added the deputy national secretary of EELV.

Budget 2023: the budget extension for the ecological transition is coming “perhaps a little late”

Always take budget reallocations to what is good when they arrive.” But maybe it’s a little late“, estimated on franceinfo the deputy of Bas-Rhin Sandra Regol after Gabriel Attal, Minister of Public Accounts, announced on Monday an extension of 3.3 billion euros for the ecological transition and agriculture in the 2023 budget. Gabriel Attal’s announcement comes at a time when “the United States is doing something exceptional, they are investing in climate and health. Maybe there is an awareness of France to be lagging behind“, added Ms. Regol.

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