Measures against Covid-19, Valérie Pécresse at Éric Ciotti and return to Éric Zemmour in Villepinte … Franceinfo informed on Monday, December 6

Every evening, the informed discuss the news on franceinfo.

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Reading time : 1 min.

The themes

– Health crisis: the Defense Council, new government measures, focused on schools. Is the campaign hiding the Covid-19 epidemic? Why isn’t the meeting without a health pass and almost without a mask controversial?

– Valérie Pécresse at Éric Ciotti : just an update? What should she campaign on to loosen the stranglehold between Macron and Zemmour?

– Éric Zemmour, return to his meeting in Villepinte : a show of force, and a display of hatred and violence. Who pays ? Hasn’t form supplanted substance? Can a meeting change anything? Can it last without a project? The Stockholm syndrome of journalists, booed but saluting the performance.

The guests

Jannick alimi, deputy editor-in-chief of the political service of Le Parisien – Today in France

Elsa Freyssenet, major reporter at Les Echos

Mariam Pirzadeh, journalist-columnist at France 24

Jonathan Bouchet-Petersen, journalist, deputy editor-in-chief of the France service at Liberation

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