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Like every evening, 11 p.m. takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Tuesday 8 February.
In Italy, Benedict XVI returned to the revelations of pedophilia that he would have covered when he was bishop in Bavaria. The former pope said to himself “deeply hurt that this oversight was used to cast doubt“on his good faith, in a letter read by his secretary Georg Gäenswein. He also reiterated his apologies, imploring the forgiveness of the victims.
Monday, January 7, the Labor leader was violently attacked before the British Parliament. The consequence of comments made by Boris Johnson last week. The Prime Minister accused him to have covered a pedophile, while he was at the head of the prosecution. “These kinds of comments inflame opinions and cause contempt for the House. This is unacceptable. Our words have consequences, we must never forget it“, insisted Lindsay Hoyle, the speaker of the House of Commons.
In Switzerland, a paraplegic patient was able to take a few steps thanks to an implant in the spine linked to software. This one “will stimulate the spinal cord“, explains Grégoire Courtine, neuroscientist at the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne. A victory for the Swiss researchers who have been working on this project for ten years. A clinical study on fifty patients will be launched. two years here.