“Me, round, at 14”: Gwen Stefani at the heart of a controversy because of a photo

Mother of three boys, Gwen Stefani had already mentioned her relationship with her body during her pregnancies. In Harper’s Bazaar in 2012, she simply explained: “There is no secret [pour garder la ligne]you just have to eat healthy, exercise and torture yourself!“The one who is vegetarian also admitted to only sometimes allowing herself deviations such as a pizza and a cookie, but never more.

Why the interpreter of Hollaback Girl Does she pay so much attention to her body? Because of her love for fashion and clothes, according to the magazine SHE. However, her last images on American television suggest that she has gone far in controlling her image, to the point of having become very different from the charismatic leader of No Doubt whose posters countless teenagers of the 1990s had. in their room…

Faced with the many negative reactions she received after her appearance in the Late Show of Seth Meyers, the new juror of The Voice US did not reply, preferring to thank those to whom she owed her look.

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