MDD: Minimum Durability Date

The DLC, Consumption Limit Date, is the deadline which, if exceeded, can make the product dangerous for health. If the DLC continues to be mandatory on fresh products, and protects our health, it is not for low perishable foods. These now have a [DDM,](,Date%2520limite%2520de%2520consommation%2520(DLC)%252C% 2520de%2520durabilit%25C3%25A9,minime%2520(MDD) i.e. a Minimum Duration Date.This MDD concerns dry, sterilized, freeze-dried and dehydrated products, such as flake purees, spices, accounts, biscuits or fruit juices etc. Indeed, these food products can be kept longer than we would like to believe. They may just lose their taste or nutritional qualities, but do not present any danger when consumed late. good reflex becomes checking the condition of the container, the smell of the contents and the absence of mold when the product is opened.

To avoid wasting food with short expiry dates, opt for the Too Good To Go application. It puts businesses and consumers in contact so that they no longer throw away unsold food.

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