Mayotte: what Operation Wuambushu entails


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

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The timetable for Operation Wuambushu in Mayotte, initiated by the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, is not yet known. Three types of operations will be at work, according to journalist Matthieu Boisseau, who went there on Friday, April 21.

From Monday, slums on the island of Mayotte could be dismantled as part of Operation Wuambushu. “It’s a possibility, but not a certainty”, says journalist Matthieu Boisseau, special correspondent for Mamoudzou. “The timing of the intervention is still kept secret.” Nevertheless, the journalist informs that there would be “three types of operation: dismantling of slums, 1,000 illegal dwellings to be destroyed according to Gérald Darmanin”as well as “deportations of undocumented migrants, mainly to the Comoros”and finally “arrests of delinquents among these bands which regularly sow chaos”.

Comoros refuses to welcome more foreign nationals

But the process will not be so simple. According to Matthieu Boisseau, “Legal recourse is always possible against the destruction of slums”. Moreover, “Comoros have already announced that they will not accept more foreign nationals than they currently do”.

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