Mayor Gaël Perdriau files a complaint for “slanderous denunciation”

A Mediapart investigation claims that a deputy mayor and his companion organized a filmed meeting with a gay escort to trap the former first deputy, Gilles Artigues.

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Five days after the revelations of Médiapart on the blackmail to the intimate video targeting the former first deputy mayor of Saint-Etienne, the mayor of the city Gaël Perdriau announces Wednesday August 31, through his lawyers, that he complains about “slanderous denunciation”.

>> Saint-Etienne: what we know about the case of blackmailing the intimate video of Gilles Artigues, the former deputy of the mayor Gaël Perdriau targeted by a complaint

“For several days, our client, Mr. Gaël Perdriau, has been the subject of despicable and infamous accusations”, say Parisian lawyers Christophe Ingrain and Julie Pasternak, in a press release published on Wednesday. They add that the mayor of Saint-Etienne “wishes to be able to explain as soon as possible” in order to “put an end to the media campaign as violent as it is unfounded that he is currently undergoing”.

Monday August 29, the lawyer for the former first deputy of Saint-Etienne Gilles Artigues, announced on France Bleu Saint-Etienne Loire that a complaint had been filed for “aggravated blackmail, ambush in an organized gang, embezzlement of public funds and non-denunciation of criminal acts” to his client.

Friday August 26, an investigation published by Médiapart claimed that a deputy mayor, Samy Kefi-Jérôme, as well as his companion Gilles Rossary-Lenglet, had organized in 2014 a filmed meeting with a gay escort to trap and muzzle Gilles Artigues . According to Gilles Rossary-Lenglet, this video then allowed the municipal team of Gaël Perdriau and his director of cabinet Pierre Gauttieri to put pressure on the father of the family and to dissuade him from possible dissidence.

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