Mayennaise Heidi Gaugain, vice-world champion in individual pursuit

The young Mayenne cyclist Heidi Gaugain did not miss her appointment during the world championships of track para-cycling in France, at the national velodrome of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. The 17-year-old athlete disputed this Friday, the individual pursuit event, over three kilometers. Second in qualifying at midday, Heidi Gaugain was dominated in the final by Britain’s Sarah Storey. She therefore pockets a beautiful silver medal in front of the French public. A very good omen less than two years from the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.

This Saturday, Heidi Gaugain will compete in one last event, the 10 kilometer scratch.

Last August, the Coëvrons cyclist had won two world titles in Israel, at the Junior World Championships of track cycling, among the able-bodied.

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