A support concert for the victims of the war in Ukraine was organized at the Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux this Saturday evening. A thousand people attended a performance of the National Opera of Bordeaux.
The opera choir has changed its program to pay tribute to the victims in partnership with the Secours Populaire Français. The artists performed for free and spectators were invited to make donations at the entrance to the Grand Théâtre.
The artists naturally mobilized for peace, explains Salavatore Caputo, choir director at the Bordeaux Opera.
Artists have this ability to draw with the voice of colors and emotions. We changed our programming and we asked the theater to dedicate this concert to Ukraine. It’s so hard to know that two brother peoples are at war today
-Salvatore Caputo
The artists shared the stage with a special guest, the Ukrainian violinist Diana Tishchenko who came specially from Berlin for the evening. She was able to count on the support of all the musicians. It is said that music softens morals, the artists hope that their notes have resonated as far as Moscow!
– Stephane Hiscock