Video length: 2 min.
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Despite the tense climate, Muscovites attended the traditional “Victory Day” military parade on Tuesday, May 9. On this occasion, Vladimir Putin accused Western countries of orchestrating a war against his country.
In the midst of the war in Ukraine, there is no question for Vladimir Putin to give up this show of force. On Red Square, Tuesday, May 9, his army parades and displays its missiles. A way for the Russian President to show that he is not afraid by appearing in public for the first time since the overflight of the Kremlin by drones. From the podium, he uses the Second World War to justify his offensive in Ukraine. “We are proud of the participants of the special operation. […] There is nothing more important right now than your combat work.”assured Vladimir Putin.
Evgueni Prigojine in “trouble-party”
This speech and these parades aim to galvanize the Russians. The parade was maintained at all costs, but in a reduced format. There were no aerial parades or modern tanks. Spectators were kept away from Red Square. While a Ukrainian counter-offensive is announced as imminent, the commemoration took place under close surveillance. Evgueni Prigojine, the head of Wagner, came to play the spoilsports. He complains about the lack of support from the Russian army in Bakhmout and about running out of ammunition.