Maxime Dereymez single for 10 years: what prevents him from being in a relationship

The professional projects of Maxime Dereymez have no secrets for his fans. On the other hand, when it comes to his personal life, the professional dancer of Dance with the stars (TF1) is much more discreet. But, during an interview for Jordan de Luxe, the charming brunette who will soon celebrate his 40th birthday has agreed to lift the veil on his love situation.

After Marion Game, Bernard de la Villardière, Isabelle Morini-Bosc or Olivier Dion, it was Maxime Dereymez’s turn to go on the set of the show At Jordan’sfor Entertainment TV. And he did not escape a question about his love life. The presenter asked him if he was in a relationship. “He is there with me. His name is Foxtrot“, replied the professional dancer, pointing to his ten-year-old dog, whom he has not let go of since he has been part of his life. But he is the only person who shares his daily life since he has not known serious relationship for quite a while.”True celibacy for ten years!“, he said. A revelation that surprised his interlocutor.

After that it’s a few months maximum. I have to be a bit responsible. I have such a busy life where I take care of my projects. Maybe I don’t leave enough room for a relationship“, added Maxime Dereymez. The man who almost lost his sight despite everything still believes in love. He knows that “will come when it comes“. In the meantime, he enjoys life between his work and personal outings. And from time to time, he can read flirty messages on his Instagram account, which is not to displease him. “It’s a bit like today’s Tinder, Instagram“, he pointed out. He likes things to be done spontaneously, or on Instagram. He sometimes makes appointments via the application. But nothing serious that could make him want to found a family with a particular person. A subject that he thinks about more and more as he confided to the presenter. “Time passes and I tell myself that if I reach 70 and I no longer have the same life, I might need to have another interest. Take care of someone, watch them grow. So it’s true that a child, I think about it. You have to find the right person“, he concluded.

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