Mava Chou: Death of the youtubeuse at 27

Thanks to social networks, influencers communicate directly with their fans. Those from Mava Chou have learned terrible news. The young youtubeuse mother died a few days before Christmas.

Mava Chou’s death was announced on Facebook, in a post written by her best friend. The young woman, who participated in the show We traded our moms in 2018, died Wednesday, December 22, 2021, at the age of 27. “I regret to announce the death of Maëva, which occurred yesterday at the end of the day. I ask you to respect his family by not trying to find out more. It only concerns those close to him, explained the bereaved friend. Just have a thought for her and especially for her children. Maëva, I will miss you. I loved you, I love you and I will love you forever. You are a part of me forever. Goodbye my darling. You are at peace now.“The cause of his death has not been specified.

Mava Chou was very active on Instagram and YouTube. Her last post, dating back to last weekend, showed her smiling on a ski slope in La Plagne Paradiski resort, in Savoie.

In his last YouTube video posted on December 15, Mava Chou answered questions from Internet users, including one insisting on his sometimes long absences from publication. “It’s not in great shape for about two years. With ups and downs (…) I need to fold in on myself to be able to refocus on myself and be able to pull myself up. I have a lot of personal worries, physically it’s not in great shape either, I prefer not to film or not to intervene on social networks until things get a little better“, she confided to her more than 145,000 subscribers.

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