Mauro Icardi: Soon the divorce with Wanda? The furious PSG footballer finally explains

Paris Saint-Germain’s start to the season was too perfect for a club accustomed to escapades and all kinds of problems with its many stars. After a sparkling victory for Christophe Galtier’s team on Saturday August 6 against Clermont Foot at the start of the championship, everyone agrees that the capital club is on the right track this year. Without their star Kylian Mbappé, the reigning French champions rolled out with a pair of Lionel Messi and Neymar for great nights. Despite this beautiful picture, an important element of the workforce was not even on the bench, Mauro Icardi.

Arrived in Paris in September 2019, the 29-year-old Argentinian striker has not really shone since he has been in the capital and he has been talked about much more for his extra-sporting problems than for his exploits on the field. . Absent from the match sheet, several French media then mentioned “personal concerns” to explain this. Information that went hand in hand with information from the Argentine press, which claimed that Wanda Nara reportedly filed for divorce to the one she married in 2014. Finally, the two lovebirds went to Ibiza together for a few days with their two adorable daughters and Sergio Ramos’ teammate took the opportunity to clear things up.

I will not tolerate incompetent and ill-intentioned people trying to smear me

On his Instagram account, after posting several photos where we feel that everything is going very well with his wife, Mauro Icardi published a long explanation in the story and he seemed quite upset. “Stop making shit up, the decision not to summon me was simply technical. I’m not absent because of any personal problem, I don’t have one, and I respect every training! (…) I will not tolerate incompetent and ill-intentioned people trying to smear me”he blurts out, before revealing the reason for his presence in the Balearic Islands: “If I am traveling today to Ibiza with my family, it is because in my work, we are given days off which everyone enjoys as they wish and with whom they want, choosing their own destiny. I kiss you” (story to find in the slideshow).

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