Mauritius: according to the Indian press, India is spying on the Internet and setting up a military base in Agaléga

It is no longer a rumour, Mauritius has authorized India to set up a military base on the island of Aléga. The information is confirmed by the Indian news site, The Wire. This July 15, 2022 article also discusses an Internet spy storm in Mauritius with the help of India.

An umpteenth storm will sweep over the government of the sister island. For several days, the Mauritian press has echoed the revelations of Sherry Singh. The old “Chief Executive Officer of Mauritius Telecom (MT)” revealed on 1er July 2022, that a foreign company installed a device on the Safe Internet cable. This tool is intended to control the content of user exchanges. He had specified on Radio plus, during his interview on Saturday July 9, 2022, that Indian technicians had worked for 6 hours, on April 12, 2022, to set up this surveillance device.

After the revelations of the head of telecommunications services in Mauritius, the Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth, denied being the sponsor of this intervention and filed a complaint against the former DG of Telecom of the island sister, confirms Le Mauricien. The next day, the opposition, headwind, demanded explanations!

On July 14, 2022, Sherry Singh was summoned to the Central Barracks, in order to be heard on the facts denounced.

Finally, at the end of the day, after an unexpected round trip, the presumed culprit of defamation, came out free and with a smile, without saying a word to the journalists present, notes L’Express de Maurice.

This case, Mauricio-Mauritian could have evaporated from the news without the article from The Wire (India), published on its site on July 15, 2022.

Editor, Devirupa Mitra, reveals the reasons why Sherry Singh resigned from her post on 1er June 2022, but also that the work in progress in Agaléga aims to set up an Indian military base.

Basically, these two sensitive subjects, which link Mauritius to India, were thermented by the leaders of the two countries, as evidenced by these excerpts from The Wire article: After signing an agreement in 2015, India has started upgrading military infrastructure on Agalega Island and extended a $100 million line of credit for defense equipment in 2021,” and to continue on the second subject, “There was a security problem, and this investigation had to be done in Mauritius. I personally approached Shri Narendra Modi to send a competent team for this investigation. In Mauritius, we do not have the technicians for this investigation, but even if we had some, we preferred to opt for this Indian team of technicians”, remarks made by Pravind Jugnauth.

The investigation by the inspectors of the criminal brigade is likely to be long and particularly complicated. Not easy to collect evidence when it comes to the mysteries of power.

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