Mauritius: a Belarusian prostitution network tries to establish itself

A 38-year-old Belarusian woman revealed to the police that a Franco-Mauritian and his wife, a compatriot, are trying to establish a prostitution network on the sister island. They bring in girls from her country, Ukraine and Russia. These “Escort-Girls” work in “select” nightclubs.

Despite the pandemic and the tourist restrictions affecting Mauritius, like most tropical islands, it remains a target for traffickers. This time, the threat comes from the countries of the East. A Franco-Mauritian and his wife, Belarusian, would lead the sector.

On January 5, 2022, a 38-year-old woman, disembarking from Minsk at the end of December 2021, pushes the door of a police station in the North of the sister island to file a complaint against a couple from her country and one of their “clients. “. She was reportedly forced to have sex with this man. She refused, but her “friends” confiscated her passport and threatened to attack her family.

The next day, she would have taken advantage of yet another drunken evening, to slip away at dawn after having recovered her identity document, writes Le Mauricien.

The couple no longer responds

The case seems credible and many accounts confirm the existence of these networks. Défimédia has collected the anonymous confidences of a Mauritian, witness of this luxury prostitution: “It’s a network that’s mostly rampant on the West Coast. It’s reserved for wealthy clients. The girls who come know they can make a quick buck selling their charms. Sometimes there are significant differences between the promises and the reality. Some wealthy clients, or VIPs, are violent. It is a matter known to the police, but recruiters are not worried “.

According to the local press, the complainant has already left Mauritius and the respondents did not respond to the summons of the inspectors. Only their lawyer came. Research has been launched, but without the alleged “pimps” or the clients, the investigation promises to be very complicated …

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