Mauritania: the last sailfishers threatened by intensive fishing


Article written by

N.Bertrand, J.Brrère, C.Marchand – France 2

France Televisions

In Mauritania, a people of fishermen see their way of life threatened. The Imraguens yet practice ancestral fishing with the greatest respect for nature.

For several centuries, Imraguens watch over their breeding ground for several species of fish, located on a sandbank between the ocean Atlantic and the Sahara Desert. The people have an ancestral fishing technique, with nets on sailing boats. “At sea, any noise nuisance is prohibited. So all engines are prohibited, because it is a protected area “, explains M ‘Barek Abdellahi, the captain of the boat. It also underlines the harmful aspect of engines and gasoline for the environment.

The people Imraguen is the only one authorized to fish on the bank ofArguin, a breeding area classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. But for the past fifteen years, local fishermen have deplored the scarcity of fish, which they associate with the intensive fishing developed at the edge of the park.


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