“Mature metamorphoses”, Makenzy Orcel | The duty

Makenzy Orcel, author of the novel A human sum (finalist for the 2022 Goncourt Prize), finds himself here in front of a closed door that constrains thought. He must find a key, that of poetry. In fact, two collections intertwine in Mature makeovers : one in italics on the left page, the other in roman on the right page. On the one hand, feminine, ghostly and marine forms interfere in the imagination, on the other hand, impenetrable places form barriers. Enigmatic, the poems often close around a complacent obscurity. We are then left to ourselves in the face of “the insurmountable promiscuity / between the incommunicable and silence”. Indeed, what is it possible to understand when “the fire of the oar / calls for flowering / distorting the laws of finitude”? The anguish that grips the poet passes through images saturated with water and obstacles. All love becomes linked to death or pleasure, arises from childhood, “childhood cradled by oblivion / songs falling from the windows”. Finally, it is indeed a poetry of exaltation.

Mature makeovers


Makenzy Orcel, Rivages pocket “Little library”, Paris, 2023, 80 pages

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