Matthieu Delormeau, without news of his companion: break in sight after his particular request

This Friday, November 4, in the 6 to 7Matthieu Delormeau explained that he had “no news” from his companion since their argument. “I give myself how many days to give him the chance to come back and say ‘banco’?“, he asked his comrades on the set, revealing in passing that he has been in a relationship for 6 months with this man whose identity is kept secret.I feel that you are going to say something stupid“, he then launched, looking at Cyril Hanouna. “Have you turned the page yet? Have you ever turned your panties?“, then asked the host of C8, before the two acolytes burst out laughing.

I feel that there are some who will wriggle tonight“, he added in particular a few moments later, still addressing Matthieu Delormeau, before improvising a dictation with his columnists by quoting them sentences which correspond to “love tips“, as indicated by the banner at the bottom of the screen.

Matthieu Delormeau unfaithful?

As a reminder, Matthieu Delormeau explained the day before that he had slept very badly after arguing with his darling until 3 a.m., before he left and “bang the door“. At the origin of this estrangement? An attempt on the part of the columnist to impose a new rule in his couple, namely that each spends one day a week on his side. A proposal which did not delight at all his “comrade”, who would have suspected him of having ideas in mind.

“I think you want a fixed day to be able to set up meetings”, he would have said to the chronicler, before asking him if he hadn’t already cheated on him. A discussion that had already ended in laughter on the 6 to 7the columnists then approaching Matthieu Delormeau to discuss with him his couple problems by improvising a kind of couples therapy. “Drop a day to gain years, 2 to gain a life“, had joked Baba in front of the camera, speaking directly to the companion of his columnist.

Note that Matthieu Delormeau explained on the show in June that he did not believe in fidelity in a relationship, before, a few weeks later, revealing that he had had “multiple plans”, during a summer stay in Mykonos.

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