Matthieu Delormeau: why has he just promised to reveal the “hidden face” of Laeticia Hallyday?

December 5, 2017. A date that no one has forgotten and certainly not Laeticia Hallyday. Indeed, it was on this cursed day that the mother of Jade and Joy said “farewell” to the man of her life and idol of an entire country: Johnny Hallyday. The Taulier went away and left orphaned family, fans and friends, as well as a legacy that tore many members of his clan apart…

Indeed, a legal battle of several years opposed his wife to his children David Hallyday and Laura Smet. It was only very recently that the hatchet was buried, or almost. Because an agreement was finally found in July 2020 when Laeticia Hallyday and the daughter of Nathalie Baye found common ground. This stipulated that the last wife of the Taulier did indeed inherit the property of her deceased husband, but also his debts. In an interview for Paris MatchLaeticia recognized that she was going have to repay the tax debt” but it was his “to have to” and she accepted it.

The hidden face of Laeticia Hallyday

In fact, the mother of Jade and Joy had to “give up” the luxury in which she had been bathed for several years to be satisfied with the “minimum”. However, she assured that the beautiful things were nothing compared to the lack represented by the absence of Johnny Hallyday. But in the end, what do the debts of the one who found love in the arms of Jalil Lespert represent? 34 million according to producer Jean-Claude Camus who revealed the sum during his visit to Sud Info. The relative of the Hallyday clan also explained that given these debts, the friend of Hélène Darroze had been forced to make some concessions.

For example, she sold her house in Los Angeles as well as that of Marnes-La-Coquette. “All the money goes to the tax authorities. The situation of Laeticia and her two little ones is not good”, he revealed. But all these problems, viewers will once again be able to discover them this Tuesday, July 12 on RMC Story as announced by Matthieu Delormeau. The columnist of TPMP was actually promoting the show “Ultimate secret on the legacy of Johnny Hallyday: the hidden face of Laeticia Hallyday”.

See also: “More and more skinny”: This photo of Laeticia Hallyday with Jalil Lespert in ultra tight jeans worries Internet users!


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