Matthieu Delormeau ulcerated by Delphine Wespiser, the TPMP columnist atomizes him live… Big discomfort on the set!

Cyril Hanouna is on all fronts. This Friday, February 25, 2022, Lino and Bianca’s dad was at the helm of a new issue of Do not touch My TV. On the set of C8, its columnists were particularly dissipated… Not to change! In a sequence, Guillaume Genton did not hesitate to tickle Danielle Moreau to the chagrin of Cyril Hanouna. “For 100 balls and some Twix… I k*n Danielle Moreau”, dropped the main interested party, causing laughter around him. “Her panties are not a supermarket”, replied the troublemaker of the PAF, perplexed. In a completely different sequence, the famous presenter mentioned a much more serious subject. Facing the camera, he reacted to the withdrawal of the tigers from the show Fort Boyard from next summer.

The day before, producer Alexia Laroche Joubert spoke about the issue in the columns of 20 minutes.“I feel that there is a fundamental societal movement that we must hear about the protection of large animals and especially felines. I didn’t have to retire the tigers until 2024 so we could have shot two more seasons. I’m only doing this because I consider it an important move for our viewers to make.” confessed the current president of the Miss France Committee.

On the set of TPMP, Matthieu Delormeau insisted on delivering his 4 truths to Delphine Wespiser. As a reminder, the young woman – who fervently defends the animal cause – has made numerous appearances in the broadcast of the second channel. As a candidate and extra. “You’ve been bugging us for years with animal welfare, but actually when there’s a salary to be earned to go to Fort Boyard, you don’t mind. underlined the ex-colleague of Ayem Nour. “In general when we do a boycott we don’t go there at all. For a salary, you didn’t mind that there were animals in the Fort”.

Stung to the quick, the ex-Miss France wanted to defend herself. “I think it is better to be at the heart of the thing…”, replied the young woman. “I’ve been talking to them about this for ten years. I go to everyone’s house and I talk to them about it, I think it’s better to be inside to talk about it. Me too, it could harm me to say that this decision comes much too late for me”. Atmosphere…


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