Matthieu Delormeau troubled by his erection problems, the TPMP columnist releases crisp information about his libido live… discomfort on the set!

The show Do not touch My TV continue to make the beautiful hours of C8. Each week, Cyril Hanouna racks his brains to impress his fanzouzes at all levels. And the PAF star gets there hands down! Surrounded by his columnists, Lino and Bianca’s dad analyzes all current affairs. If the good mood is often at the rendezvous, spats are not uncommon within his team. But also with the other guests.

Matthieu Delormeau, Gilles Verdez or even Benjamin Castaldi always take it for their rank to the delight of viewers. This Friday, January 21, 2022, Cyril Hanouna hosted a new issue of Do not touch My TV. For the occasion, the host had the honor of welcoming Doctor Frédéric Saldmann. Facing the camera, the doctor presented his work “Health in front of you: the thousand-year-old secret that will change your life”. In his book, he gave many tips for “live better every day”. Stress management, for example, is the key to good health. As well as the relation to age. His vision of his practice had the merit of disconcerting Matthieu Delormeau.

In a sequence, the ex-colleague of Ayem Nour wanted to know more to boost his libido brilliantly. According to the innuendo on the set of TPMPmorning erections are not always there. “Very important question”, underlined Matthieu Delormeau. “I have a friend who is 47 years old, who earns a good living…”. To which Isabelle Morini-Bosc replied bluntly: “Is it a consultation?”. Obviously, the main interested party preferred to ignore his question. “And he notices that his libido drops a little bit… So I imagine that we have less testosterone at that age”, said the former host of NRJ 12 and add: “Is it necessary to see a doctor like you?”. “I believe that’s you you’re talking about”, underlined Cyril Hanouna, mockingly. “I think it’s you. “Well it’s me”, ended up admitting the famous columnist causing general hilarity on the set. A sequence that also delighted Internet users. “Delormeau is the best, he deserves a raise”, “Matthieu Delormeau a bad shot. Grandpa is 47 years old… No more libido (…).”,“I adore Delormeau”, “Bravo, he accepts”.


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