Matthieu Delormeau strongly attacks Pascal Soetens!

No one has forgotten “Pascal, the big brother”. From 2006 to 2013 on TF1, Pascal Soetens tried to reframe young disoriented and adrift with their families. The show was also offered from 2014 to 2016 with another big brother, Pascal Maquin, then on C8. This meeting produced by Julien Courbet was a great success and gave birth to memorable sequences during which young teenagers went as far as confronting the educator, now 52 years old.

Nostalgic for the show, Matthieu Delormeau had invited Pascal Soetens on Saturday June 11 in “TPMP People”. The big brother returned to some crisp anecdotes and the host rebroadcast some clashes that have become cults. “You had something hyper theatrical, were you coached? Did you train at the time?“questioned the columnist Florian Anselme.Or are you really an asshole?“, we could hear from a Matthieu Delormeau, mischievous and provocative. “No I’m like that, it’s my personality, it’s my way of being”defended Pascal Soetens.

The gossip columnist then added: “Yes, but we see that you know there are cameras, that you know how to manage…”. Eager to go and sting his guest, Matthieu Delormeau gave it a layer. “Well you just have to try. ‘Hey, motherfucker'”, he then let go. What cause some laughter and cheers in the public as well as an inevitable reaction from Pascal Soetens who got up to go and explain himself with the host and columnist of TPMP. “Give a kiss”, tempered the big brother, with a big smile, holding out his hand. Matthieu Delormeau complied but addressed a final tackle to his guest of the day: “Hey man, anger starts at 1.80m, go sit down“. The art of receiving!

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