Matthieu Delormeau reveals the number of women he has had sex with and details a very bad experience…

“Have you ever had sex with a woman” ? This was the question asked by Cyril Hanouna to Matthieu Delormeau at the start of the program in Do not touch My TV this Friday, January 28. “Oh yes anyway”, replied the columnist. “How long ago was that?”, asked the facilitator. “The last one, I was 25 years old (he is now 47 years old, editor’s note). If you want to know everything, I slept with 21 women”, he revealed, provoking the surprise of his comrades. Obviously, the latter, and the public with are entitled to an anecdote. “It was going very badly. I think I was not a very good move”, admitted the former host of the Mag on NRJ 12. “The last one I slept with was a Quebecer, she said to me: ‘You make love like a pancake'”. Which amused the set a lot. “Apparently, now, we call you, the crepe lollipop”, Baba said humorously.

This Saturday, January 29, is an important date for Matthieu Delormeau who will return to the air as a host. He will take over the reins of TPMP People, on C8, from 7:10 p.m. The first show was recorded the day before after TPMP in the company of several columnists including April Benayoum. Between 2018 and 2020, the presenter took care of this appointment at the end of the week. A debrief of this great premiere will take place on Monday, January 31, and Cyril Hanouna will not fail to come back to the audiences achieved…

See also: Guest of “TPMP”, Didier Bourdon refuses to sit next to Matthieu Delormeau … before explaining himself!


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