Matthieu Delormeau “paid by the minute” and obsessed with money? The production of TPMP balances

If we were to personify the ant in Jean De La Fontaine’s fable, Matthieu Delormeau would undoubtedly be the best chronicler of Do not touch My TV to be able to represent it. Money certainly does not make everyone happy, but it contributes to that of Matthieu Delormeau. The latter has never hidden it: the more he wins, the better. And he confirmed it no later than this Wednesday, March 23, on the set of Cyril Hanouna. But it’s out of the question to throw money away, even when it comes to leaving tips at restaurants.

Unlike the generous Isabelle Morini-Bosc, Matthieu Delormeau is not the type to drop a note: “The other day, I went to the restaurant. I finish lunch, the waiter tells me : ‘Do you leave a tip?’ I say no, classic, it’s included in the service! He tells me : ‘The last time, Madame Morini-Bosc came to lunch and when she comes to lunch, she leaves a 50 euro tip, is that true?“Isabelle Morini-Bosc denied it but admitted to having left the server twenty euros. A shock for Matthieu Delormeau, who was greedy and obviously well served in terms of salary.

Lionel Stan, general manager of H2O Productions, was on set and gave an interesting anecdote about Matthieu Delormeau. The amount of his salary has not been revealed but what is certain is that every minute must be due to him: “Matthieu Delormeau is paid by the minute! You should know that when you finish at 9:20 p.m. instead of 9:15 p.m., he calls production, he says ‘But there were ten more minutes’ – for example the 6 to 7 there, you have 30 minutes more, so in the boxes, he told me ‘Lionel there are 30 more minutes’ so the advice I give you Cyril, when you don’t need Matthieu on certain subjects, get him out!“Given what has already been said about Matthieu Delormeau’s behavior in the show’s dressing rooms, leaving him unattended with other people’s personal belongings is not a very good idea…

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