Matthieu Delormeau, furious, leaves TPMP live after a heated exchange with Gilles Verdez

The absence of Idrissa Gueye on Saturday May 14, 2022 during the match between Paris Saint-Germain and Montpellier, in support of the fight against homophobia, continues to make people talk. The 32-year-old Senegalese international footballer has been accused of homophobia. A subject that was mentioned on the set of Do not touch My TV (C8), Wednesday May 18. And the tone rose between Matthieu Delormeau and Gilles Verdez.

From the outset, Gilles Verdez supported Idrissa Gueye. “I give him reason in the name of his freedom of conscience, of expression of religion. And for that he is thrown to the dogs. There is hatred against him, I find that inadmissible“, he said. Words that angered Matthieu Delormeau who quickly called him “huge asshole“.”It’s going too far. Homophobia is not an opinion, it is a crime. It’s a shame. It’s over I don’t talk to you anymore“, he was indignant.

Gilles Verdez accused his sidekick of spreading hatred and told him he didn’t understand anything. “It’s ridiculous. He does not advocate homophobia. There are plenty of players at Liverpool, Muslim players, who have been allowed not to play. It’s not a scandal there. They have the right not to display a symbol that offends their freedom of religion and conscience. You don’t have to stigmatize them for that.”he continued, cut by Matthieu Delormeau who was still so angry.

A tense exchange continued between the former NRJ12 host and Fatou’s fiancé. The first notably asked the second to “close [sa] mouth”. And the reading of a tweet by Cyril Hanouna came to set fire to the powder. “There is someone who says: ‘Matthieu Delormeau does not understand anything, respecting homosexuals is one thing, supporting their cause is another…“, read the dad of Lino and Bianca (10 and 12 years old). Matthieu Delormeau therefore pointed out to his boss that he only read messages that supported the opinion of Gilles Verdez. “There you left, you’re upset, you haven’t explained what you think at all. You have been very bad. You insulted Gilles instead of explaining yourself“, replied Cyril Hanouna.

The straw that broke the camel’s back since Matthieu Delormeau quickly removed his microphone and left the set, furious.

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