Matthieu Delormeau destroyed by a famous animator!

Present for several years on M6in Incredible TransformationsNicolas Waldorf gave some behind-the-scenes secrets of the show in an interview given to Melty. The young man spoke in particular of the metamorphosis of Loana but also of the celebrities he would like to take care of. “I would like to transform Celine Dion because I’m a fan and I think she’s aging a little bit so I would like to give her a boost”, he told our colleagues. “As a man, I would say Matthieu Delormeau because he has never evolved in his style. It’s a bit disappointing!”

The main interested party will appreciate…

After an altercation and comments from Cyril Hanouna, Matthieu Delormeau leaves the set of TPMP

Troubled evening in Do not touch My TV, Wednesday, May 18. The Gueye affair and especially the position taken by Gilles Verdez annoyed Matthieu Delormeau. The tension rose a notch when Cyril Hanouna read him a tweet from a surfer.

“There is someone who says: ‘Matthieu Delormeau does not understand anything, respecting homosexuals is one thing, supporting their cause is another…”read the host before being cut by his columnist. “Cyril you only read messages against us, I also have some (…) I can read some too”, he intervened, supported by Géraldine Maillet. “What do you answer”asked Baba.

“I’m not going on that, it’s ridiculous… It doesn’t mean anything”he finally replied. “There you left, you’re pissed off, you haven’t explained what you think at all”took over the presenter of TPMP before giving him a: “You have been very bad”. It was enough for the host of TPMP People does not get up, shocked by these remarks. “I’m getting yelled at by you, by the tweets, that’s enough! I don’t want to explain myself”he blurted furiously. “Gilles is homophobic”. Not having been able to retain his columnist, Cyril Hanouna subsequently gave his opinion on the attitude of the latter. “We can understand that he was touched but he was too emotional. It’s not normal”.

This Thursday, May 19, a debrief of this sequence will take place!

See also: TPMP: The incredible news from Matthieu Delormeau

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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