Matthieu Delormeau delivers rare confessions in “TPMP”!

If he sometimes entertains the gallery with antics of questionable taste, Matthieu Delormeau also knows how to be serious and hold reasoned and constructive speeches. The TPMP columnist proved it again on Friday February 18 by returning to the bad buzz caused by a young teenager on Tik Tok. The latter has indeed drawn the wrath of some Internet users with a video where we see him with his friend Queen Paul (it’s a nickname), more than 3 million subscribers, dancing in a crop top in a church, in front of a crucifix. A scene that is controversial on social networks. The church concerned has asked for the removal of the video, without success for the time being.

If some have understood the indignation created by this video, Matthieu Delormeau preferred to evoke another side of this story in the wake of his personal story. “I hope I’m not going to shock too many people on the air. But behind two kids who may have made a mistake, there is a little message to hear. I am Catholic, and like this boy, I have the same sexuality. Until the profession of faith, for fifteen years, you are told every day that being homosexual is wrong“, explains the former host of the Mag on NRJ12 who adds: “It took me 40 years to accept being Catholic“.

Benjamin Ledig refuses to apologize

A speech which of course echoed the words of Benjamin Ledig, at the origin of the broadcast of this controversial video. With the Parisian, the young man explains, as on TikTok, that he refuses to apologize. “In the two years that I’ve been on social media, people in the comments were referring to the Church to lament what I was doing. What I wanted to say is that I do not condone what the Church is doing: its homophobia, the fact that same-sex marriage is not accepted…“, says the teenager.

See also: What becomes of Mustapha El-Atrassi, ex-star columnist for Laurent Ruquier and former companion of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine?

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