Matthew McConaughey: Did he really have a hair transplant? He finally answers!

If we look at the first films of Matthew McConaughey, at the beginning of the 2000s, one detail is striking: his hair has already started to fall out and baldness is on the verge of his nose. But a few years later, when he is now 52 years old, no trace of that anymore… he has a veritable mop of auburn hair! But then what happened? Did he succumb to surgery to slow the phenomenon?

Asked by the American media LADBible, the actor wanted to re-establish the truth on the subject: no, he did not have his hair re-implanted … but has no idea how he made it grow back. “If you go back in time, to the time of the movie A marriage too perfectclearly, I was losing my hair“, he admitted. “I recently found a photo from New Years Day 2000 in Jamaica, I was stooping down for a laugh and had a baseball sized hair hole on the top of my head“.

At the time, operations were very rare, but the actor decided to try a technique: a treatment “once a day for ten minutes, a lotion that turned out to be miraculous for him. “I did it conscientiously, I rubbed a lot […] and it eventually came back. I have more hair today than in 1999“.

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