Matteo Salvini in court after leaving migrants stranded at sea



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October 23 marks the start of the trial of Matteo Salvini, former MEP. The latter is accused of kidnapping and abuse of power for not having come to the aid of migrants who remained stranded at sea in August 2019.

A big smile on his face despite the context, Matteo Salvini leaves the courtroom. Barely out of court, the latter speaks in front of the cameras. “I am sorry for two reasons, for the time I do not spend with my children, and for the money the Italians are spending on this political trial organized by the left”, he says. For two weeks in August 2019, 149 migrants were stranded on a boat off Lampedusa. Then Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini will do everything to prevent the reception of these migrants who will ultimately be ordered by justice.

For the civil parties, the Italian politician clearly endangered the lives of these 149 people. Nevertheless, the accused stands in his position. “Defending the borders, it is a duty and not only for a minister, but also for each one, and it is underlined in our constitution”, he explained. The trial is expected to last several months, he faces up to 15 years in prison.

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