On the eve of Black Friday, a communication campaign from the Ecological Transition Agency arouses the anger of the retail sector because it encourages people not to buy. But the Ministry of Ecology takes responsibility for these clips, while Matignon finds one of the spots “awkward”.
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You may have seen these clips with a “dealer”. A “dealer”, who advises you to buy a reconditioned telephone rather than a new one, to rent a sander because you will not use it often, to have your washing machine repaired. But above all there is the “dealer” of discord. In this clip, we see a customer leaving a store empty-handed even though he wanted to buy a new polo shirt. The “seller” advises the customer not to give in to the -70% discount and explains to him that the polo shirt he is already wearing is very good, with the advantage of being 100% off. “A stigmatizing campaign”, “a real slap in the face” accuse the traders (Alliance du commerce, CPME, etc.) who are demanding the removal of these clips. The Ministry of Ecological Transition is not going to stop the broadcast, still scheduled until December 4.
However, Christophe Béchu, who validated these spots, is not “not become decreasing” demines those around him: “the goal is to consume responsibly”. The Minister of Ecological Transition, who must publish Thursday, November 23 in the newspaper The world a forum where he calls for a “Green Friday”, denounces “fast fashion” and “Black Friday”, “model of unsustainable overconsumption for the planet”.
>> True or false. Has clothing consumption increased by 60% worldwide in 15 years as Christophe Béchu says?
Christophe Béchu does not say “buying is bad, but before buying new, think about better solutions for the planet and your purchasing power”, and also at “made in France”.
Do not dissuade the French from going shopping
But in government not everyone is on the same line. In Matignon, we find the clip with the polo seller “clumsy”. “This is not the right message.” according to the Prime Minister’s entourage. Behind the scenes, criticism is rife. “The form serves the substance”, torpedoes an executive advisor, why did you show a customer in a store and not shopping on the internet? There, they put Chinese sites and the store on a street in Angers on the same level!”.
It must be said that the clothing sector is doing particularly badly in France, with a number of brands going out of business. So have it repaired yes, avoid waste yes, buy responsibly yes, but dissuade the French from going shopping no. Bercy was not consulted in the design of this campaign.
It is the Ministry of the Economy which receives angry messages from trade players. Bercy where there is no question of judging the French who will benefit from Black Friday tomorrow, especially in times of inflation. The only advice from the ministry is “beware of scams and promotions that aren’t really scams.”